School’s Off, Parks On! Mini-Camps Ages 5- 12 - 109903103

School's Off, Parks On! Mini Camps: Exclusive Eclipse Mini-Camp


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Activity Details

School's Off, Parks On! Mini Camps: Exclusive Eclipse Mini-Camp

Meeting Details

Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Days: Mon
Oak Openings Lodge Entrance
5230 Wilkins Rd.
Whitehouse, OH, 43571
Oak Openings Lodge


Age older than or equal to 5.00 and younger than or equal to 12.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.

School's Off, Parks On! Mini Camps: Exclusive Eclipse Mini-Camp

School may be closed for the day, but the parks are open! What better way to spend your day off than with fun, age-appropriate camp activities at the park? Activities include story time, crafts, experiments, nature strolls, and games. Daily snack included.
Metroparks is sending a signal into the cosmos to invite Metroparks campers to an exclusive eclipse mini-camp experience! School is out for the day, so join us in the park for a lunar look at this stellar space event. Understand the gravity of the occasion, as the last total solar eclipse visible in Ohio was in 1806, and the next one won’t happen until 2099! Activities include astronomy and nature-based games, crafts, hikes, and an eclipse viewing party using provided eclipse glasses. Daily snack included.
This is a drop-off program, but parents/guardians have the optional invitation to come back early to join us to watch the eclipse.



Fees Charged:
Program Fee (Standard Fee): $60.00
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