Rental Information

Details for PR Chalet, 5981 Jeffers Rd, Whitehouse, OH 43571

PR Chalet, 5981 Jeffers Rd, Whitehouse, OH 43571

Maximum 365 days before the Item(s) begin date. Cutoff time on last day is after 11:45P.
Minimum 2 days before the Item(s) begin date. Cutoff time on last day is before 11:45P.
Webtrac rule warning

$150.00 = $150.00 $100.00 = $100.00

The code to access the Pine Ridge Chalet is the last 4 digits of your phone number.
There is 1 queen bed in the loft and a bunk bed with a twin bed over full bed on the main floor.
The key to the Pinecrest warming hut/fire pit area is located on a magnet on the refrigerator in the Chalet.
There are 5 parking spaces in front of the Chalet. A total of 5 vehicles are permitted at the Pine Ridge Chalet.
You may have 5 people overnight and up to 10 people until 11 p.m.